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Photos Courtesy of Nu Life Sciences

The Pleomorphic (meaning many shapes or forms)study of Live blood microscopy reveals the life cycles of many micro-organisms with our blood. This enables one to determine the particular stage of a pathology of a particular affliction.

Mucor Raceomus Frezen & Aspergillus Niger ( are specific fungus's also refered to as a prions) appears in all mammalian species and has shown evidence through some of its developmental forms to be of a plant nature. Our symbiotic union with them evidently occurred millions of years ago as our species grew into existence. Enderlein called these Protits, ENDOBIONTS (from the Greek endo -- internal and bios- life). We can never separate ourselves from them. We coexist in a mutually symbiotic (means we live together, helping each other) relationship. We give them a vehicle for life, they give us blood forms like platelets, without which we couldn't exist (platelets are formed from the Protits, not in the bone marrow as taught by modern science). Just as important is another function whereby these fungus's act to regulate the dormant pathogens already existing within us such as a virus, parasite, bacteria or fungus etc.

When the host is in health, Protits ( lowest developmental form of the prion ) live in symbiotic relationship with the tissue cells, and maintain the health of and regenerate all organs, we live together and help each other. They are the smallest unit of life, not the cell. They do not die. The mummies in Egypt are composed totally of Protits. Put the dust from these mummies in water and there they are, under the microscope, turning, moving, the Protits.

In simpler terms:

The Prion metamorphizes in direct tandem with the evolution or de-evolution of the pathology of the body. Thus providing a clear picture of the excact  potential of the pathogens or health of the body.

As the patient becomes ill and therefore acid, microorganisms form, in quantum-biological leaps, depending on the pH of the nutritive medium or the internal milieu. The microorganisms get more dangerous as one goes from the strongly alkaline high of the pH-value towards the ever decreasing pH-value of the acid side. Pathogens such as a virus, parasite, bacteria, fungus or even cancer can only live in an acidic environment. Reducing the acid & increasing the alkalinity is the key to staying disease free.



Normal Blood

Blood Sludge ( low oxygen transfer )

Protein Assimilation


Fibrin ( liver toxicity )

Acit ( advanced pathology )

Fungus (Chondrits on the Erys)

Neutrophils (White Blood Cells)

Symplast ( congestion of blood vesels, organ pathology )

Crystals ( chemicals, metals, drugs, colon toxins )


Crystals ( chemicals, metals, drugs, colon toxins )


Hemolysis ( anemia)

Helmet Cells ( low bile salts, essential fatty acids, liver/gb )

Parasitized Red Blood cells

Target Cells

Aspergillus Niger (Advanced Prion)